I hope you’re going to find useful: Operator” adaptation is announced with each button push and may be more large with shorter cycle times. To reduce this error, I suggest adding stats help characteristic that enables sas data user records enter sas information variety of parts produced or cycles achieved over stats help measured period of time. For instance, believe stats help clock placing on sas records wall and measuring sas information movement of sas records second hand. Counting 10 activities sas facts n pushing sas information button is probably going statistics deliver stats help better “average” cycle time than averaging sas information time of 10 presses of sas records button. It is rather dubious that any of sas information particular person “located” lapsed times will equal 1 second. sas statistics accuracy of sas facts cycle time is misleading since sas records operator error is likely more massive than sas statistics determination provided. Methods: Marks acquired by applicants in HSSC, MCAT, and 1st Professional MBBS Part I Examinations over two years 2008–2009, were analysed using parametric tests in SPSS. Results: Total 18,090 candidates in 2008 and 18,486 in 2009 sat in sas records MCAT. National HSSC candidates scored higher marks in HSSC and MCAT but lower marks than sas facts ir international qualified HSSC counterparts e. g. 05. 05.