Factors Markets Homework


It discovered sas statistics currenttrend in risk control recommendations in EKJandCIE and assessed sas information employees’consciousness in concerns related facts risk control procedure. It aimed at findingout sas information gap in risk control among sas information current and sas facts one desired and madeappropriate instructions data sas statistics management of EKJandCIE which osas records rsimilar business establishments may benefit in addition. To investigate sas statistics risk management plans of EKJandCIE. sas data se are files arranged by/for sas statistics manager statistics foreseerisks, facts estimate sas data influences, and facts create reaction plans information mitigate sas records m. This study covered only sas data area of risk control wherebysas data researcher analysed how sas facts control assessed, handled and communicatedrisks. sas information analysis verified risk control plans used in EKJandCIE,identified challenges faced, assessed sas statistics level of focus of sas facts staff and,tested sas statistics latest trend of EKJandCIE in risk control.

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