3. analysis of images is considered as sas statistics popular and more intuitive method for analysis of soppy tissue 16, 17. Since soft tissue paradigm is sas facts a must have for orthodontic remedy in recent times, this study seeks information expand photogrammetric soft tissue angular norms for stats help sample of Iranian population of 16 30 years age group with class I skeletal and dental occlusion particular in accordance with cephalometric evaluation and also, records find if sas information re is any sexual dimorphisms in any of sas facts se angular measurements in this Iranian samples. This cross sectional analysis was carried out in sas statistics orthodontic branch of Shiraz school of dentistry among October 2013 and June 2014. Lateral cephalograms of 400 Iranian adults who’ve attended clinic for orthodontic cure were obtained randomly. A sample of 71 people 34 males and 37 females was chosen among sas information m.

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